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Two ways to access your non-MIDFLORIDA Accounts: Linked Accounts vs. External Accounts

Feeling lost in a sea of bank accounts? ‍ MIDFLORIDA Credit Union has your back! Their free online tools let you see all your balances in one place AND move money between your accounts at different banks. No more bank hopping or login overload! Get organized and take control of your finances today!

Ever felt like your finances are scattered across different institutions, like leaves in a hurricane? Keeping track of multiple logins and balances in various places can make your head swirl. MIDFLORIDA Credit Union offers two features within Free Online Banking to bring order to the chaos: Linked Accounts and External Accounts. Both allow you to access your non-MIDFLORIDA accounts through a single login, but each serves a distinct purpose.

Linked Accounts: Moving Funds Your Way

The true power of Linked Accounts lies in its ability to move money. This free service allows you to securely connect your MIDFLORIDA accounts with accounts you hold at other financial institutions and effortlessly transfer funds between them through MIDFLORIDA's online banking platform or mobile app. No more physically visiting multiple banks to move your money around! Linked Accounts streamlines the transfer process, making it perfect to transfer money from another bank for things like paying your car loan or to cover an unexpected expense.

External Accounts: Viewing Everything at Once

This feature acts as an aggregator, pulling information from your accounts at other banks and financial institutions. You can see your account balances and gain valuable insights into your overall financial health in one place.

Here's the key difference: External Accounts are purely for informational purposes, meaning you can't initiate transfers directly through this feature. However, the ability to see all your accounts in one place is a game-changer for budgeting and financial planning. You can easily identify areas for improvement, track your progress towards savings goals, and make informed decisions about your finances.

The Winning Combination: Linked Accounts & External Accounts

The beauty lies in the fact that you can leverage both features to create a financial management powerhouse. Use Linked Accounts for seamless money transfers and External Accounts for a comprehensive view of your balances. Take charge of your finances today by unlocking these helpful tools offered by MIDFLORIDA Credit Union!


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