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July 02, 2024

What Is the Difference Between a Condo Association and an HOA in Florida?

Condo associations and HOAs are both common in Florida and can impact your decision on buying a home. Understanding the differences between them is important. HOAs manage communities of houses, while condo associations govern condo complexes where residents co-own common areas. Consider your preferences for community living and management involvement before choosing.

A significant part of being a property owner in Florida could be your relationship with either a condo association or a Home Owners Association (HOA).

While these organizations are not guaranteed to be a part of your purchase, it’s important to understand the differences between condo associations and HOAs before you decide on a home or a condo to purchase.

Organizations like these can play a significant role in the governance and management of residential communities, impacting everything from property values to the quality of life.

Without knowing what these groups entail, you won’t be able to make an informed decision about buying your home or condo.

Luckily, you’ve come to the right place. This article aims to make clear the distinctions between condo associations and HOAs, providing essential insights for potential Florida buyers like yourself.

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What is a homeowners association (HOA)?

A homeowners association, or HOA, is a self-governing group that manages a community of homes. They’re often established by a real estate developer to manage and sell homes or lots in a residential subdivision.

Membership in an HOA is typically mandatory for all property owners within the subdivision

The primary responsibilities of an HOA include:

  • Enforcing community rules
  • Maintaining common areas
  • Managing community amenities such as pools, parks, and clubhouses

HOAs collect dues from homeowners to fund these services. They ensure the community maintains a certain standard of appearance and functionality, which can help preserve property values

Common features of communities governed by HOAs include:

  • Well-maintained landscaping
  • Uniform architectural standards
  • Shared amenities that all residents can enjoy

However, these benefits come with the obligation to comply with the HOA's rules and regulations, which can sometimes be stringent.

What is a condo association?

A condo association, on the other hand, governs a condominium complex.

In a condo association, the property owners collectively own the common areas, while each individual owns their unit

The primary responsibilities of a condo association include:

  • Maintaining the exterior of the buildings and common areas
  • Managing shared spaces such as lobbies and recreational facilities
  • Ensuring the overall upkeep of the property

Condo associations collect fees from unit owners to cover maintenance costs and other expenses

These associations are crucial in managing the shared ownership model, where the responsibilities for repairs and maintenance are divided among the owners

Common features of communities governed by condo associations include:

  • Shared ownership of common areas
  • Responsibilities toward the upkeep of building exteriors
  • A collective approach to property management

Why these distinctions matter

Your understanding of condo association and HOA differences can greatly influence your buying decision based on your:

  • Preferences for community living
  • The level of involvement in property management
  • The type of ownership you are comfortable with

Knowing these differences, you can choose the type of Florida community that best suits your lifestyle and investment goals.

Detailing differences between HOA and condo association

Let’s examine these differences in more detail. These differences primarily revolve around governance structures, fees, assessments, and ownership and maintenance responsibilities.

Management structures

HOAs and condo associations have similar governance models, but are governed by separate state laws.

Condo Associations

Condo associations are overseen by an elected board of directors responsible for most of the association's duties. This includes maintaining a comprehensive insurance policy, ensuring financial coverage for unforeseen events, and handling maintenance of designated areas.


HOA boards have comparable responsibilities and management structures.

Both boards may hire management companies to assist with daily operations, such as enforcing the community's Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs).

Some management companies specialize in either condo operations or HOA management, while others may do both.

Fees and assessments

HOAs and condo associations charge fees, but the nature and scope of these fees differ.

HOA fees usually cover the following:

  • Community amenities
  • Landscaping
  • Security

These fees are often lower than condo associations, which have broader responsibilities.

Condo association fees cover the following:

  • Building maintenance
  • Exterior unit Insurance
  • Upkeep of common areas

Additionally, condo associations may levy special assessments for significant repairs or improvements, which can be a financial consideration for condo owners.

Tips on how to approach a Florida HOA or condo association

When considering a new Florida property or after you’ve already purchased it, also consider engaging proactively with the Florida HOA or condo association to see how they might affect your new home.

  • Review the association's bylaws, covenants, budget and financial statements,  and the rules and restrictions (they vary widely)
  • Consider attending a board meeting to gauge community involvement and leadership effectiveness
  • Speak with current residents about their experiences and satisfaction with the association's management
  • Ensure you understand the fee structure and any upcoming assessments
  • When considering a purchase, consult with your real estate agent to clarify any concerns and ensure the association aligns with your lifestyle and investment goals

HOA and condo association differences: Conclusion

Whether you’re considering a property in Florida or anywhere else in the United States, understanding the differences between HOAs and condo associations is essential for making an informed property investment decision.

Each type of association offers unique benefits and drawbacks, and each one can impact your lifestyle and financial obligations.

You can choose the community that best suits your investment goals by considering your preferences and needs.

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